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APF AWARDS 2023 LOGO_Full Colour.jpg

In Association With

Purple Glow

Meet Our Judges

“The APF Awards 2023 are an amazing opportunity to recognise the inspiring people who work tirelessly
to support pregnant and postnatal women to become or stay active.

We need to keep banging the drum about the benefits of movement as part of a healthy lifestyle,
and I can’t wait to step into my role as a judge and learn more about the many nominations.”

Dr Hussain Al-Zubaidi
RCGP Lifestyle & Physical Activity Lead

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Baz Moffat

Former GB Rower & Founder of The Well HQ

Baz is passionate women’s health and fitness coach, specialising in the areas of pelvic floor, core, nutrition and women’s wellness and co-founder of The Well.


Her holistic approach focuses on prenatal, postnatal, peri-menopausal and menopausal women with one common goal – to help women move freely.


With over 20 years’ experience in the health and fitness sector, she has combined all her knowledge and experience to deliver empowering classes, educational workshops and motivational talks – giving women the tools to embrace life.


Caroline Crowe

Pre- & Postnatal Instructor, Fitness Tutor & Assessor

With over 20 years experience in the fitness industry, Caroline is a highly respected and skilled trainer supporting those around her to achieve their best.

She specialises in women’s health and fitness, holding many specialist qualifications in pregnancy and postnatal exercise.

Caroline also works with other UK training providers as a tutor and assessor for fitness qualifications and awards. She worked alongside EMD UK in the creation of the first professional dance fitness award - The ZUMBA Combo for which she was nominated as an Activity Champion at the ukactive Training Awards.


As well as training other instructors on how to work with this group, Caroline has consulted for groups and organisations on activity during pregnancy and has supported Sport England and Our Parks on their “Couch to Pregnancy” and “Couch to Postnatal” programs and is endorsed by The Active Pregnancy Foundation. She has also supported the development of the Find Your Active Guide to Dancing.

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Dr Hussain Al-Zabaidi

Channel 4 TV Doctor & RCGP 'Lifestyle & Physical Activity Lead'

Dr Hussain is a lifestyle medic and long-distance triathlete. His is the Royal College of GPs 'Lifestyle & Physical Activity Lead' as well as a SWIM England Clinical Advisor.


Dr Hussain runs a pioneering NHS based fitness club & lifestyle clinic helping to educate and support patients to eat better, move more and connect with their community.  He heads up the social prescribing team at the Leamington Primary Care Network which assists people holistically to promote, protect and improve their health.


A key passion is to use lifestyle to tackle health inequalities. It is his strong belief that lifestyle can be a powerful tool in the fight against many conditions both physical and mental, while being a great way to socialise and stay connected with our community.


He is a keen triathlete and UK Athletics 'Leader in Running Fitness' and tries to use his own personal journey of taking up physical activity from a previous sedentary lifestyle, improvement in his own nutrition and knowledge of food to promote its benefits for our wellbeing. 


He delivers numerous talks and lectures and has a regular slot on the Channel 4 show #stephspackedlunch.

Instagram: @irondoctorhaz

Twitter: @zubaidihussain

Kate Dale

Director or Marketing, Sport England. Stand-Up Comedian

Behaviour Change Campaigner & Campaign Lead for #ThisGirlCan

Feminist and former journalist, Kate Dale is responsible for delivering This Girl Can, Sport England’s multi-award-winning campaign, which is changing the way millions of people think about exercise and physical activity, and has seen 2.8 million more women get active as a direct result.

Prior to this, Kate spent 10 years as a trade magazine editor before becoming a brand and content specialist for major online banking institutions, including Barclays.


When time permits, she like to takes part in triathlons and learning to dance. She is a trustee for Women’s Sport Trust - a leading UK charity focused on using the power of sport to accelerate gender equality and stimulate social change.

Kate has recently been appointed as the Director of Marketing at Sport England.

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Melanie Stephenson-Gray

Former International Athlete, APF Mother Board Member & Diabetes Advocate

Melanie is a sprinter, who represented Wales and was torch bearer at the 2012 Olympic Games. She was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes aged 13.  


Melanie has been an ambassador and supporter of diabetes charities for more than a decade. She has played a major role as an advocate and organiser of projects for children living with type 1 diabetes and their families.

In 2013, Melanie set up the Blue Circle Diabetes peer support group in Cardiff, recognising the importance of improving mental health support for young people with type 1 diabetes.

Although still involved in athletics, she retrained as a dietician and now works at NHS Wales, specialising in diabetes and weight management.


Melanie is a member of our Mother Board and was the winner of our Real Mums are Role Models photographing competition in the 'Mums with Disability' catagory.

Melanie is also Trustee to the Board of DiabetesUK

Midwife Pip

Midwifery Sister, Speaker & Publisher

Pip is an experienced, practicing Midwifery Sister, MSc graduate, founder of the 'Midwife Pip Podcast', Hypnobirth and Antenatal Educator, co-author of published research, and importantly a mum. 


Pip is on a mission to ensure all expectant and new mums feel like a superwoman during pregnancy and when they give birth. Pip believes passionately that with the right support, as well as honest and evidence-based information, all births should be a positive experience regardless of any twists and turns that may crop up.


For this reason, Pip began her Instagram page @midwife_pip, followed by her online courses where she is on hand to support and guide women every step of the way, through all aspects of pregnancy, birth, and early postpartum. 


Pip is here to create empowered, positive experiences for all!

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If you're a member of the press, and would like to find out more

or interview one of our judges in relation to the

Active Pregnancy Foundation Awards 2023


About The APF

Supporting women to stay active throughout pregnancy and beyond, by providing expertise & advice, changing culture & challenging policy.


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PLEASE NOTE - Where referring to 'women' and 'mothers', this should be taken to include people who do not identify as female but who are pregnant.

Similarly, where the term 'parents' is used, this should be taken to include anyone who has main responsibility for caring for a baby.

Copyright - 2024 by The Active Pregnancy Foundation

Registered Charity Number - 1190780

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