Get Active Questionnaire
for Pregnancy (GAQ-P)

What you need to know
Being active during pregnancy has many physical and mental health benefits and is generally safe for most women. But knowing whether it is safe for YOU personally, still leaves many women confused and even scared.
Pre-screening is an important first step in ensuring safe and enjoyable engagement with physical activities. The Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy (GAQ-P) has been designed to identify the small number of women who need to consult with a healthcare professional before they begin or continue to be physically active, and to help the majority of healthy pregnant women overcome any concerns they might have about getting or staying active. Ultimately, this self-administered pre-screening tool helps to empower women to take ownership of their health and wellbeing during their pregnancy.
Using the Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy - UK Version
The GAQ-P consists of four questions to help you decide whether you should consult with a healthcare professional before becoming or continuing to be physically active during your pregnancy. You may complete this form for your own reassurance, or you may be asked to complete the form by fitness professional, qualified exercise professional, or leisure operator.
Download and complete the Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy – UK Version.
If you’ve answered “YES” to any question, you should consult with a healthcare professional before beginning or continuing to be physically active. The form below has been developed to facilitate a conversation between you and your healthcare professional.
Download the Healthcare Professional Consultation Form for Prenatal Physical Activity – UK Version
and take it to your appointment.

Key Principles of the Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy
Asks pregnant women a series of questions.
Can help to facilitate a conversation with a healthcare professional.
Identifies women who should get medical advice before engaging in physical activities.
Helps alleviate concerns about continuing or becoming physically active during pregnancy.
Note, your healthcare provider may not be familiar with this screening tool, in fact, they may not even be aware of the national physical activity guidelines for women during and after pregnancy. If they are unsure, please direct them our website for more information.
Notes for Professionals
The GAQ-P was developed by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) in partnership with the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, The College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Women’s Health Division.
Learn more about the Canadian version here
The screening tool has recently been adapted for the United Kingdom with the support of Dr Margie Davenport and Dr Marlize De Vivo and in partnership with The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) and Active Pregnancy Foundation.
Read the Press Release
How the Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy could be used:
Leisure or fitness facilities may have pregnant women complete the questionnaire prior to joining an exercise class or
physical activity programme. -
Fitness professionals (i.e., pre- and postnatal instructors) may use the questionnaire as pre-participation screening method for clients.
Qualified Exercise Professionals (QEP) may use the questionnaire as one part of the pre-screening process to facilitate exercise prescription, pre- or rehabilitation, or testing.
Healthcare professionals (i.e., GPs, Obstetricians, midwives, health visitors, physiotherapists, dieticians) may provide the questionnaire when encouraging their patients to start or continue to be physically active during pregnancy.
Pregnant individuals who wish to continue or become active during pregnancy can complete the questionnaire on their own initiative.
Practitioners using the Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy:
Pre-participation screening is an essential step for identifying risk factors and determining who should seek medical advice prior to becoming or continuing to be physically active during pregnancy. The GAQ-P should be only one step in the overall screening process.
Fitness and exercise professionals may ask pregnant clients to complete the GAQ-P so they can start getting to know their client’s health status better.
If a pregnant client answers “Yes” to a question, they should be advised to download the Healthcare Professional Consultation Form for Prenatal Physical Activity – UK Version and to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning or continuing with physical activities.
CSEP has produced this free 30-minute webinar to assist professionals in understanding and using the GAQ-P. The webinar covers the development and use of both the questionnaire and companion Healthcare Professional Consultation Form in detail.